5th Annual SEforALL Africa Workshop

5th Annual SEforALL Africa Workshop

Update: presentations from four key speakers are now available for download here.

More than 750 leaders from government, business, civil society and international organizations will gather from 2nd to 4th to May 2018 in Lisbon for the 4TH SEforALL Forum with the title: “Leaving No One Behind”

The Forum will examine the latest data on progress — or lack of — in achieving SDG7 goals. A highlight will be the launch of the 2018 Global Tracking Framework report, which benchmarks annual progress towards achieving universal access to modern energy services, doubling renewable energy and improving energy efficiency by 2030.

Since its establishment in 2014, the SEforALL Africa Hub has directly and indirectly supported the SEforALL processes in more than 25 African countries. The SEforALL Initiative in Africa is at a critical point in which agenda setting has to translate into actions on the ground to be able to deliver upon SDG7 and Climate Change Mitigation targets.

The SEforALL Africa Hub will hold the 5th Annual SEforALL Africa Workshop during the SEforALL Forum in Lisbon with a focus on laying out the essential elements to mobilize finance for a systematic implementation of the SEforALL agenda in Africa. Investment Prospectuses (IP), aimed at matching the SEforALL country project pipelines with the right sources of finance, will be at the centre point of the discussions.

The IP need to be “living documents” with a database nature, where projects are assessed and added to the investment pipeline on a continuous basis. Furthermore, there needs to be an active, constant and country-led engagement in harnessing and creating opportunities for match-making projects with potential investors. In this links context, the establishment of properly functioning SEforALL Secretariats, in partnership with development partners, is a key element for success.

Recognising this, the SEforALL Africa Hub and its partners have defined priority working areas for the next years, namely:

  • Investment Prospectus Improvement
  • Establishment of National SEforALL Secretariats and
  • Mobilization of Financing.

Furthermore, the SEforALL Africa Hub will continue to provide policy guidance, notably to ensure the alignment of the SEforALL processes and documents with climate change initiatives and national agendas (NDCs).

View the full event details and agenda here.

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