4th Sustainable Energy for All Africa Workshop - March 2017
11 April 2017
The 4th Annual Sustainable Energy for All African Workshop was hosted by the SEforALL Africa Hub in partnership with the Africa Union Commission, the NEPAD Agency and UNDP, in collaboration with the SEforALL Global Facilitation Team (GFT) at the premises of the African Development Bank in Abidjan on the 29th and 30th of March 2017. The theme for the workshop was: Joining forces for universal energy access in Africa; From SEforALL to SDG7, AREI and the New Deal on Energy. The meeting brought together over 110 participants from SEforALL focal persons across Africa, development partners, financiers, national and regional institutions, civil society organizations and the private sector.
DAY ONE – 29th March
08:30 – 09:00 Registration Auditorium
09:00 – 09:15 Opening remarks Auditorium
Charles Boamah, Vice President, AfDB
09:15 – 09-30 Keynote intervention Auditorium
Rachel Kyte, SRSG and CEO of SEforALL
09:30 – 09:45 State of play of SEforALL implementation in Africa Auditorium
Dr. Daniel-Alexander Schroth, SEforALL Africa Hub Coordinator
09:45 – 10:25 Moderated panel discussion – Joining forces for universal energy access Auditorium
Moderator: Mosad Elmissry, Senior Energy Advisor, NEPAD
- Jane Ebinger, Policy Director SEforALL
- Felice Zaccheo , Head of Unit Sustainable Energy and Climate Change, European Commission
- Mahama Kappiah, Executive Director ECREEE
- Faruk Yusuf Yabo, SEforALL Focal Point Nigeria
10:25 – 10:30 Introduction to day one thematic sessions Auditorium
Dr. Daniel-Alexander Schroth, SEforALL Africa Hub Coordinator
10:30 – 11:00 Group Photo Coffee Break
11:00 – 13:00 Parallel working groups
Working Group (1): Country level Implementation - concept note
Moderator: Aaron Leopold, Practical Action
Scene setters:
- Emillian Nyanda, Alternate SEforALL focal point Tanzania
- John K. Maina, Alternate SEforALL focal point Kenya
Discussion on best practices and development of actionable recommendations on:
- Country level implementation/delivery mechanisms;
- Linkages to other country processes, e.g. NDCs;
- Continuous stakeholder engagement.
Working Group (2): Mapping and coordination - concept note
Moderator: Christine Eibs Singer, SEforALL
Scene setters:
- Nicolas Hallstroem, AREI IDU
Discussion on best practices and development of actionable recommendations on:
- Continuous mapping of energy initiatives including at country-level;
- Simplifying access to information on TA and financing instruments;
- Development partners/energy stakeholders’ coordination: development of joint compacts/MoUs etc.
Working Group (3) topic: From IPs to project Implementation - concept note
Moderator: Astrid Manroth, Director Energy Partnerships AfDB
Scene setters:
- Jane Ebinger, Policy Director SEforALL
- Leslie Labruto, Global Energy Lead, Acumen
Discussion on best practices and development of actionable recommendations on:
- Making IPs more fit for purpose;
- Using IPs as the basis for national financing dialogue;
- Linking IPs to potential investors;
- Accelerating the preparation of bankable projects.
13:00 – 14:15 Lunch between Ms Rachel Kyte and SEforALL country focal points;
14:15 – 16:00 Continued parallel working groups discussions
16:00 – 16:45 Moderated panel discussion – Assessing country investment readiness & monitoring progress towards SDG 7 Auditorium
Moderator: Aliou Dia, Regional Team Leader, UNDP
- Marcos Sampablo, Carbon Trust
16:45 – 17:45 Plenary discussion on the draft outcomes
Reports from the Day 1 Working Groups
Wrap-up of the day Auditorium
Chair: Rashid Ali Abdallah, Head of Energy Division, AUC
18:00 - 20:00 Reception
DAY TWO – 30th March
08:30 – 09:00 Registration Auditorium
09:00 – 09:30 Plenary session – introduction to day two thematic sessions Auditorium
Dr. Daniel-Alexander Schroth, SEforALL Africa Hub Coordinator
09:30 – 13:00 Parallel working groups
Working Group (4) topic: Biomass and Clean Cooking Solutions - concept note
Moderator: Daniel Wanjohi, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves
Scene setters:
- Gerry Ostheimer, Bioenergy Partnership
- John Hauge, Global LPG Partnership
- Florent Eveille, FAO
Discussion on best practices and development of actionable recommendations on implementation of priorities identified in the Action Agendas:
- Africa Biomass Data Initiative – improving the quality of biomass data to increase the sustainability of the sector (1h);
- Strengthening of the policy& regulatory framework for implementation of CCS / LPG programs at country level;
- Mobilization of required technical assistance and investments for CCS/LPG programs;
- Addressing the capacity building needs in the clean cooking space.
Working Group (5) topic: Energy Efficiency - concept note
Moderator: Katrina Pielli, Power Africa
Scene setters:
- Paula Edze, SEforALL focal point Ghana
Discussion on best practices and development of actionable recommendations on implementation of priorities identified in the Action Agendas:
- Strengthening of the policy& regulatory framework for implementation of energy efficiency measures at country level;
- Mobilization of required technical assistance and investments for energy efficiency;
- Addressing the capacity building needs in the energy efficiency space.
Working Group (6) topic: Decentralized energy access - concept note
Moderator: Dean Cooper, CEMG Partnership
Scene setters:
- Koen Peters, GOGLA
Discussion on best practices and development of actionable recommendations on implementation of priorities identified in the Action Agendas:
- Strengthening of the policy& regulatory framework for implementation of decentralized energy solutions at country level;
- Innovative financing solutions for decentralized energy
- Mobilization of required technical assistance for decentralized energy solutions;
- Addressing the capacity building needs in the decentralized energy solutions space.
13:00 – 14:00 Joint Lunch
14:00 – 14:45 Moderated panel discussion – Matching support instruments with country and private sector needs Auditorium
Moderator: Moses H. Ntlamelle, SADC Secretariat
- Felice Zaccheo, European Commission
- Amanda van den Dool, Power Africa
14:45 – 15:30 Moderated panel discussion – Ensuring implementation: the importance of country-level implementation and delivery mechanisms Auditorium
Moderator: Astrid Manroth, Director Energy Partnerships AfDB
- NGoran Konan Norbert (focal point Cote d’Ivoire),
- Aaron Leopold (Practical Action),
- Marcel Alers (UNDP),
- K Bongwe (South Africa)
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:30 Plenary session on overall workshop conclusions
Reports from the Day 2 Working Groups and formulation of recommendations and priorities for SEforALL in Africa for 2017
Jane Ebinger, Policy Director SEforALL
Dr. Daniel-Alexander Schroth, SEforALL Africa Hub Coordinator