ECREEE: SEforALL Investment Prospectus actually undergoing in 8 countries - Project application

24 October 2016

ECREEE: SEforALL Investment Prospectus actually undergoing in 8 countries - Project application

In the process of SEforALL Investment Prospectus actually undergoing in 8 countries by ECREEE with the support to the EU-TAF , project fiches per country and per pipeline are now available for download for projects promoters.

Deadline for applications is November 15th, 2016.

Criteria to apply, guidelines, and indications are included in the project fiches and website.

In English:

Information: ECOWAS SEforALL IP framework 

Download:  Project fiches

In French: 

Information: Cadre du PI dans la CEDEAO

Téléchargement: Fiches projet

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