The African Climate Technology Centre (ACTC) is financed by the GEF with some US$14.3 million and implemented by the AfDB over a three year period.
The objective of this pilot project is to support Sub-Saharan African (SSA) member countries in scaling-up the deployment of low-carbon and climate resilient technologies for climate change mitigation and adaptation by:
- enhancing networking and knowledge dissemination with respect to climate technology transfer and financing;
- enabling the scaling-up of technology transfer through policy, institutional and organizational reforms of the country and regional enabling environments; and
- integrating climate change technologies into investment programs and projects. Mitigation activities focus exclusively on the energy sector and are aligned with the Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) initiative. Since its inception in the summer of 2014, the ACTFCN has been financing technical assistance activities related to the SEforALL implementation in ten SSA Countries.
The project has also finalized a framework contract facility with six consulting firms/consortia to assist Sub Saharan African countries with policy, institutional and organizational reforms. The framework contract facility allows the Center to respond quickly to specific requests for technical assistance, including on upstream/early stage activities that will generate opportunities for crowding-in complementary financing from the Bank’s own instruments, such as SEFA.
For more information on the ACTC, visit:
AfDB/ACTC: Enhance Knowledge and Technology Transfer for Mitigation and Adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa (CLOSED). This expression of interested is targeted at public and private research centers/institutions, universities, NGOs, national or regional climate and technology centers, and private firms with a specialization in research and technology transfer in Sub Saharan African countries.